Bibliotherapy Book Group

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Program Description

Event Details

The JAN 13 session is CANCELED; next session is Feb. 10.

Welcome to the Bibliotherapy Book Club! 

The term “bibliotherapy” comes from two Greek words: biblion (meaning book) and therapeia (meaning healing). This new program at the Ossining Public Library will offer a reading and discussion group to patrons who are interested in navigating life’s everyday challenges with the help of literature. Besides entertainment and escape, reading can help us feel better! This is backed up by research. In this sense, this program will be different from other book groups. When we identify with text or a relevant character, the text enables us to connect with our own emotions, and hopefully gain insight and learning.

Although used by mental health professionals in clinical settings, this is not intended to be a group for treatment of serious mental health problems. 

Facilitators Diana Lennon and Linda Stephenson will describe what bibliotherapy is all about and discuss creating a 
supportive environment together. Participants will be asked a few questions, and based on responses to these questions, relevant readings will be chosen for subsequent meetings. 

The dates are: (Oct. 21st, Nov. 11th, Dec. 9th) Jan. 13th and Feb. 10th, all Mondays from 2:00 to 3:00 PM in the second floor Conference Room. Please register on our online calendar to attend. 

If you have any questions, you may contact Diana Lennon at 914-941-2416, Ext 315 or

We look forward to meeting you, and to your participation in this book group!